McDonough District Hospital is pleased to provide the Mammography Assistance Program (M.A.P.) for individuals seeking financial assistance for breast screening. Annual mammogram screenings provide early detection of cancer, which can save lives. M.A.P. provides 100 percent funding to receive this life-saving exam.
To see if you are eligible for the M.A.P. program, please answer the following questions:
If you do not have health insurance and are 40 – 64 years of age, you are eligible for the Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Program (IBCCP) and/or Susan G. Komen funding, which are both administered through the local McDonough County Health Department (MCHD). Please call (309) 837-9951 to apply.
MDH eligibility guidelines are based on family size and income. If your household earns less than the income listed next to your family size, you are eligible for M.A.P. at McDonough District Hospital. MDH Patient Financial Services will be responsible for determining final eligibility for M.A.P.
MDH has structured M.A.P. to compliment, but not duplicate the funding assistance through the Health Department. M.A.P. will also provide funding for additional diagnostic testing such as ultrasound, sonogram, and/or unilateral mammogram if ordered by a physician.
The Mammography Assistance Program is made possible by generous community donations, which have been designated for mammogram scholarship assistance at MDH. The MDH Development Council was instrumental in anchoring this funding.
To apply for M.A.P., call Patient Financial Services at (309) 836-1528 or (309) 836-1529. Download a copy of the Financial Assistance Application.
To make a donation to M.A.P. call the MDH Foundation Office at (309) 836-1757.
To schedule a screening mammogram, call Radiology at (309) 836-1550. A physician order is not needed to schedule a screening mammogram if you are over 40. If you are under age 40, a physician order is required.