Your room assignment at McDonough District Hospital is based upon your admitting diagnosis and the bed availability on the day of your admission.
Hospital beds are electrically operated, and your nurse will show you how to work the bed properly. Bedside rails are for your protection. They may be raised at night or during the day if you’re resting, recovering from surgery, or taking certain medications.
All rooms in the hospital have their own temperature control. If your room is not comfortable, please notify nursing staff.
A button to call your nurse is located on your bed control panel. Handheld nurse call remotes are also available. When you press the button, the nursing station is alerted that you need assistance. A staff member will respond to your signal as soon as possible.
Please stay in bed after you have been prepared for the night. Strange surroundings and sleeping medications may create a hazard if you get out of bed. For assistance during the night, please use your call button.
Televisions are stationed in each room. Please be considerate of other patients by using a respectful volume level and turning off the television when not in use.
Telephones are provided in each room, except in the Intensive Care Unit. You may receive calls in your room from 7 a.m.-10 p.m. Local calls may be made at any time from the room by dialing 8 and the number. Long distance and toll calls can be made at any time by dialing 8, 0, and the number. Long distance calls cannot be charged to your room. You can make a credit card call or charge a long distance call back to your home number. Your family and friends can reach your room directly by calling (309) 833-4101 and asking for your room number. If you need any assistance, dial 0 for the MDH switchboard operator, or ask your nurse.
All McDonough District Hospital’s campus buildings have public wireless internet service for patients and visitors to keep in touch electronically with family, friends, and work colleagues.
To obtain access to our Public Wi-Fi system: